Is it possible that it could be happening so soon??? Sol, my eldest daughter, will turn 10 this coming April. She is still so young and yet wants to be so much older.
Yesterday we were chatting a while, one of those rare chats we have not as often as I would like to, as she has become so stubborn and ill-tempered as regards her relationship with me. She said she wished with all her heart that she could already be an adolescent. My first reaction to this was shock... I could not believe she wanted to start adolescing so soon! Then I told her that she should try to enjoy her childhood as much as she could, as it was over soo fast, and that she would have time to be one, way too soon.
Lately, Sol has become so different. Although she can spend hours playing children's games with her younger sister, Sophia (4), she can also spend hours in front of the mirror, deciding what to wear or how to comb her hair, just to go and have breakfast!!! One moment she is happy, the next she is sad; she can be laughing her head off and the next you know she is angry at the world around her (that is, ME!). She wants to be an adolescent to do "big girl"'s stuff, which she openly says she knows I will not allow her to do, but that she doesn't care as her dad will. He always lets her do anything she wants, she says.
So, I asked her what this big girl's stuff was all about. And she said, you know, having my cel phone, driving, going out with my friends... For a moment I was terrified with what she would answer...
Nowadays, she has these changes of mood, she has become hyper-sensitive (more than her usual self), she speaks badly, curses, disobeys, gives a damn about the world around her... and then she feels sorry for her behaviour.
Can she be becoming a pre-adolescent SO SOON???
Es posible que esté pasando tan pronto? Sol, mi hija mayor, cumplirá 10 en abril. Es tan chiquita todavía y quiere ser más grande.
Ayer charlábamos un rato, una de esas raras charlas que no ocurren tan seguido como me gustaría, ya que se ha vuelto testaruda y malhumorada en lo que respecta a su relación conmigo. Me dijo que deseaba con toda su alma ser una adolescente. Mi primera reacción a este comentario fue de shock... no podía creer que quisiera ser adolescente tan pronto! Después le dije que debería tratar de disfrutar de su niñez lo más que pudiera, ya que pasaba tan rápido, y que tendría tiempo de serlo mucho antes de lo que se imaginaba.
Últimamente, Sol ha cambiado. Aunque puede pasar horas jugando juegos de niños con su hermana menor, Sofía (4), también puede pasar horas frente al espejo, decidiendo qué ponerse o cómo arreglarse el pelo, sólo para ir a desayunar!!! Un momento está feliz, el siguiente está triste; puede estar descostillándose de la risa y sin motivo aparente está enojada con el mundo (es decir, CONMIGO!). Quiere ser una adolescente para hacer "cosas de chicas grandes", lo cual abiertamente dice que sabe que yo no se las voy a permitir, pero que no le importa ya que su papá sí le dará permiso. Él siempre la deja hacer todo lo que quiere, me dice.
Así que le pregunté cuáles eran las cosas que hacían las chicas grandes. Y me dijo, vos sabés, tener mi teléfono celular, manejar, salir con mis amigos/as... por un momento estaba aterrorizada con lo que pudiera contestarme...
Está teniendo estos cambios de humor, se ha vuelto hiper-sensible (más de lo que suele serlo), habla de mala forma, putea, desobedece (bah, hace lo que se le canta!), le importa un carajo el mundo... y al instante lamenta su comportamiento y pide perdón.
Puede ser que se esté conviertiendo en una pre-adolescente TAN PRONTO???
14 comentarios:
Que precoz! Bueno, ahora los chicos son así. Con Martín me pasan cosas que pensé que llegarían en su adolescencia...peleas (pulseadas!), malhumor, contestaciones, etc. No será que no estamos acostumbradas porque si nosotras lo hacíamos nos volaba un bollo? No lo sé...
un beso
Sí...Vivir es frustrante...
Claro,si a uno le presentan un cuerpo bello,bello yo no sé porqué no habría de ser cordial...
Hola Vero! Es lo mismo que pensaba yo... muy precoz! Y creo que como decís, no estamos acostumbradas porque ni se nos hubiera ocurrido hacerlo a nosotras! Paciencia con Martín vos también! =)
Zeta, usted lo ha dicho... aunque yo le agregaría que PUEDE ser frustrante. Depende de nosotros mismos que no lo sea tanto, no cree? Buen fin de semana!
Jean, como te dijo Veroka, a nosotras ni se nos hubiera ocurrido actuar de esta manera, porque nos mataban. Ahora, acordate de vos a los 10... acaso no estabas ya en la pubertad, preparándote para el paso a la adolescencia???? te quiero mucho! Y a tener muuuuuuuuuuuuucha paciencia, amiga mía! Besos.
Loló, tenés razón!!! A esa edad, yo ya estaba en la pubertad, y a pasos de ser adolescente. Pero nuuuunca le hubiera hablado así a mi vieja... me mataba mal!!! Yo tb te quiero mucho, nena!
No te preocupes que Simone (tiene 7 y 1/2) es muuuuuy lunatico. Putea (solo en casa porque afuera parece un santo), no hay un dia que no peleemos y encima nunca pide perdon!!! Michele se la pasa diciendo que quiere ser grande (el viernes cumple 4 años)...... Cada familia tiene lo suyo... besotes
Si se lo que sentis, y tambien es duro ver cuando un hijo crece, tu hija se esta convirtiendo en una pequeña adolescente, pero bueno, y creo que en muy poquito tiempo va a cambiar su comportamiento.
Sí, tal cual Andrea... cada familia tiene lo suyo, pero que se adelanten taaaaanto??? Eso realmente asusta, o por lo menos a mí! Quizás tenga más que ver mi temor con envejecer.... te mando un beso!
Aniiiii, asustaver que crece tan rápido! Y si está así en la pre... imaginate lo que va a ser en plena adolescencia!!! Beso!
Si, en realidad a mi tambien me asusta un poco. A veces cuando hacen mucho lio digo: no veo la hora que sean grandes! Despues lo pienso bien y me doy cuenta que yo me vuelvo vieja...... besotes
Te entiendo tanto, Andrea! Calculo que a todas nos pasa lo mismo, no? Besotes!
Hi Dear Jean,
my daughter started puberty at around 10 and 11 years old. I don't know for sure because she kept secret. She doesn't like talk about those things!
In one minute she was playing with her dolls the next she was putting make up on. It was all so suddenly. It was quite sad for me. From that moment on she changed so much, not only body shape but also her personality. She was and still very mood. She is 13 now. So we still have a long way to go.
Good luck!
hugs x
Elaine, thankfully Sol is the type to share everything, too much I would say!!! She still plays with dolls, but also wears make-up when she can, and she does not want it to be just as a game!!! hehehe
I know we still have a long way to go... and in spite of how hard it might be, I am in a position today to be able to say that I will be standing by her all along the way... unless she drives me nuts first!!! Hugs, my dear friend!
well you have a problem here. you ll have a tough time to understand and digest things from now on and make her understand :-). But don refrain too hard on her and keep her off from doing something cos even thats not gonna help and its only then we start hiding things and we all know that human nature is bound to be rebellious when restricted. We all do things that we asked not to cos of the alacrity and curiosity to know what would happen if you do that. So its a delicate situation. All I would say is don say her no for everything but then at same time don say yes every time. All the best. Hope things goes your way!!!:-)
Thank you, Jess!!! Very good advice! Actually there are things that are and will always be "no" and I try to give the reasons why it is so... just as with the "yes".
For the time being, she confides a lot in me, and I have taught her that I am here to listen to her, that any problem or doubt shared is always less hard to take! Hugs!!
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