I am troubled, I am worried, I am sad... because of someone VERY dear and important to me, and I don't know what to do, how to be of help... and that drives me MAD!!!!
Estoy preocupada, estoy triste... por una persona MUY querida e importante para mí, y no sé qué hacer, cómo ser de ayuda... y eso me vuelve LOCA!!!!
8 comentarios:
Es feo no saber que' hacer en esos casos. Si esta persona esta' cerca tuyo lo mejor (para mi) es escucharla....solo eso. buena suerte! Besos Maria Andrea
Ciertamente, abrazar y contener. Suerte!
Gorda, vos siempre sabés qué hacer, así que hacé lo que te mande to corazón. Pero adhiero con lo que dicen María Andrea y Rocío. Escuchá, abrazá y contené. Sos la mejor en eso!!!
Hi Dearest Jeannie :)
In situations such as these I find the best thing to do is just be there as much as you can for that person, give them support, love, care and let them know that you are there for them 100%
Many times we can't actually help a person, it may be because of something out of our hands, that we can't control, or because maybe the person doesn't want any help, so it can be difficult...
I can only think of support and love...
I'm sorry to hear that you are sad and frustrated Jeannie, but please know that you have friends that are also there for YOU 100% and anything you need you only have to write!
Muchos Besos and hope you feel happier soon! :)
DKS said it all... let that person know that you are there for him/her 100%... listen, care and love. Good luck.
Gracias María Andrea, por estar siempre acá conmigo, aunque no nos conozcamos y estés tan lejos! Un beso grande!
Rocío, ojalá pudiera...
Carla, sé que me conocés bien, pero en ésta las cosas son un poco más complicadas... y no sé qué hacer!!!
Dearest Donnie! Always a comforting message from you! I have let this person know I am here... has always known it. Just keep your fingers crossed that everything works out alright! And thank you for always being around, my dear friend!
Thank you, Vivianne, that is what I have done!
Ani... me perdí... qué pasó con tu comentario? Lo borraste vos o lo borré yo??? oops! jejeje
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