martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

About myself...

... I guess I should have started with this post, for those who know me too well to say whether I have described myself correctly; for those who do not know me that well to learn a bit more about me... and for those who do not know me to have a proper introduction. So I will try to do my best at introducing myself.
I am Jean Consoli, 44 years of age, divorced, two daughters, teacher of English at a bilingual school in the Belgrano neighbourhood. I play field hockey for the L.A.C. (Lomas Athletic Club). I gave it up after having practised it until I was 27, considering I was too old and that I should leave room for the younger girls at the club. But this year, after 17 years of NO exercise at all, I was called back to play in the first division... I have been able to find in the two days we have practice (3 hours each time) and in the two matches I play every Saturday afternoon, the ideal way of feeling young at heart, once again. It is the ideal therapy for me.
I love my daughters dearly as well as the work I do. More than once I have wished I could work just for the pleasure of it and not because I need the money... many of you might be already thinking: how utopic! well, that's me! I still believe in people and their good nature, I hate lies and am very straightforward and trustworthy. I am a fool when I fall in love... I am certainly a fool in love today, since I met my knight in shining armour last year, around the end of January... and still waiting for him so that we can grow old together. Thus, this shows how idealistic I am, as he is so far away, and I have clung to his every word and promise of the best second half of our lives together. When in love, I am afraid of speaking my mind (which is actually my heart) at all times, due to the guilt and fear that this creates in me; what if I said something that would hurt the man I love? What if he disliked what I said and dumped me? So... I just wait and wait... I am terribly insecure though I might give the impression to others of being selfsufficient and in control. I am so transparent that anyone can tell by just looking into my eyes, listening to my voice or reading what I have written what my mood is like at the moment.
I started writing when I was very young. I have always been creative and have had no problems putting on black and white what I feel (certainly find it MUCH easier than speaking it out!). A terrible flood destroyed all my early work, not that it was that great, but it was mine, and I felt proud of it. And last year I decided to start writing again. In this way, I wrote a novel for my knight, as a gift, and this year I started my second one. You will be able to see me on the train or bus with my notebook in hand, writing anything that comes to mind... usually having the words flowing from me, and never correcting them. I truly believe that what comes out first is what must remain. As I have no intention of publishing anything of what I have written and plan to keep on writing, I will not have to see my work being edited by strangers who have no idea what I meant or why I wrote what I wrote.
I love baking, cooking, doing gardening, reading, going out for walks along the beach, lying on the lawn on summer nights and looking at the immensity of the starlit sky... writing, making friends, travelling, listening to music, entertaining friends at home, shopping for books and music (I can spend hours at a bookstore!!). It makes me feel great to help others, and teaching is my passion... and I wish one day I will be able to have all the time I need to be with myself and write, write and write, which gives me immense pleasure.
I guess that is about enough for now. For those who know me well, you are welcome to add anything I might have left out. And thank you for dropping by my blog! I feel like a mum who has just had her first baby... hehehe

4 comentarios:

laura dijo...

Buena descripción, a veces no s fácil verse tan claramente a uno mismo.

lo del deporte, admirable. yo no corro ni el bondi!

y sobre el tema de escribir, que se ve que te apasiona tanto quería preguntarte si leíste a Julia Cameron, que tiene muy buenos libros
"el camino del artista" "el derecho y el placer de escribir" o el de Stephen King "mientras escribo" que es especie de autobiografía sobre su escritura.

muy bueno

Jean dijo...

Gracias Laura por tu constante apoyo...
Como decís, no es fácil verse a uno mismo tan claramente... y lo que falta aún por decir! Por suerte el hockey es una pasión para mí, bah, como odo lo que elijo en mi vida, me doy con pasión, es a un todo o nada, llámese relación, deporte, hobbie o trabajo. Y es verdad que me apasiona escribir, pero nunca leí nada de lo que me aconsejás. Mi próxima parada en la librería será para conseguir alguna de esas obras!! Y después te cuento!

bill.barítono dijo...

I guess, I'm the first one to add a post in English here. I wish i could read the things u write in Spanish. I don't do it for 2 reasons. I'm a little lazy at reading that in Spanish and I'm not that very nice at, though I can understand it fairly well.
Conserning the post of this day i found really nice, as always. I didn't know that stuff about the flood. How sad it's, isn't it? I'm trying to imagine the kind of feeling u had when u lost all of ur work even if it wasn't that good, as u thoght at those times (how can u be so sure of that?).
About the hockey stuff, what's that thing of first division and second one? did u play professionally?

see u nice friend.

Jean dijo...

there is no way i can be sure that what I wrote back then was not so good... just as I am not sure myself today whether what I write is good or not...